New Water Shrimp
New Water Shrimp
from $24.00
This 3.5” shrimp pattern has been an excellent producer along the Texas coast for a number of species. Having a lead wrapped Ahrex SA250 hook and a water-shedding body, this fly enters the water with nearly no noise. I left dumbbell eyes off of this pattern for two reasons: 1) lead eyes can catch grass and other forage causing a fish to reject the fly and 2) the exposed weight makes a noticeable entry which can spook fish. The interior lead weighting still allows this pattern to get down in front of the fish without sacrificing the silent entry.
This pattern is available in Tan, Olive, Rust (or New Penny), Black/Purple, and White/Pink. Prefer another combination? Let me know! Specify color choices on next screen when purchasing.